Module 2 : Taking charge of the control room
In this module, we look at what drives those hunger pangs, so you can take back control.
This module covers the following topics :
- Reporting to ARC headquarters
- Counting calories
- Gut feelings
- The sugar “high”
- Makes sense
- The “kings” orders
You will receive notes to add to the filo and “a head plan”. The module duration is 180 min.
A taste of the information included...
Do you tend to keep eating long past the point of fullness ?
- The brain’s fussy eater defence makes food look yummier
- You need to get radical to get satisfaction
- Variety is the spice that drives obesity
- Did you know that you have taste buds in your ears ?
- Is a little hard labour the key to silencing the appetite neurons ?
- Suppress your appetite by drinking what the lions drink
Drop us an e-mail at to sign up for “Taking charge of the control room”